
Albert Evans 19-10-2023
Albert Evans


与您可能听说的相反,您不需要投资时髦的装饰品或昂贵的蜡烛来帮助营造正确的居家氛围。 虽然优美的播放列表绝对可以为您试图营造的氛围锦上添花(无论是亲密浪漫、轻松有趣还是别致别致),但我们发现了一种更简单的方法来营造理想的氛围:芳香疗法。

想想香水有多么强大:一缕特定的香味可以立即唤起回忆,重温珍贵的时刻和/或改善您的心情。 那么,如果我们可以创造一种家居香氛,例如睡前香氛喷雾,可以增强放松的氛围呢?




See_also: 如何用衣夹制作廉价餐巾架



提示: 为什么使用伏特加?

由于油和水不能混合,您需要酒精来帮助分散油。 伏特加也是帮助香水持久的好帮手。 但是如果您的家用香氛喷雾不能使用伏特加,您可以选择更多的蒸馏水或水溶液,如玫瑰水(虽然酒精也可以使用,但伏特加干燥得更快,而且会吸收香味)。蒸馏酒精也是一种选择,但您必须更多地摇动混合物才能有效喷洒。





将水和酒精混合后,在DIY床香喷雾中加入2汤匙织物柔顺剂。 然后加入少许您喜欢的香水,这将形成主要香味。

但是,如果您或您家中的其他人对织物柔顺剂过敏怎么办? 我们建议您使用以下产品:

- 在喷雾瓶中混合2汤匙伏特加和几滴精油。

- 在喷雾瓶中注入蒸馏水。

- 摇匀后喷洒(但这种混合物的使用时间不要超过3周)。

提示: 如果您想制作薰衣草喷雾,请放心,薰衣草仍然是最受欢迎的香味之一,因为它具有镇静和放松的特质(这也有助于一夜好眠)。 因此,请随意在喷雾瓶中加入一枝薰衣草。


提示: 尝试使用不同的精油,以获得最佳的自制喷雾。

- 要想在清晨提神醒脑,可以考虑使用迷迭香、薄荷、橙子、柠檬和葡萄柚。

- 佛手柑、葡萄柚和橙子可以提振您的情绪和精神(尤其是在冬季忧郁和其他类似情绪状态时)。

- 薰衣草、甘菊、天竺葵、马郁兰和/或乳香可安抚您的情绪(并在睡前让您保持良好的精神状态)。






将混合物倒入喷瓶后,连接喷嘴并轻轻摇晃喷瓶。 确保先在小面积区域进行测试。

之后,您可以将新喷雾直接喷洒在床单和被单上,让您选择的香味发挥作用。 或者,在跳进淋浴/浴缸之前,将这款诱人的香水喷洒在您的毛巾上如何?

提示: 为方便您自己(以及使用您新DIY的睡前香氛喷雾的其他人),在喷雾瓶上贴上粘性标签。 用笔和标签或您的电脑和打印机制作标签,标明喷雾瓶中的成分(因为您可能忘记了几个月前混合的成分)。 同时,确保在标签上标明香味/精油,并总是使用前充分摇匀。


您知道吗,您还可以使用自制的床单香氛喷雾来度过一天的时光。 只需在熨烫床单前将香氛喷洒在床单上即可,这将有助于软化织物,同时引入香味。


- 枕头(尤其是不能水洗的枕头)

- 床垫(增加精油的比例以杀死这些臭虫)

- 窗帘

- 地毯

- 汽车座椅和内饰。

See_also: DIY芳香蜡烛:看如何用7个简单步骤制作装饰桉树蜡烛

提示: 想要制作更多的DIY喷雾吗? 尝试将不同的精油组合在一起,创造属于您自己的独特香氛。 或者为不同的用途制作几种不同类型的家居香氛,例如薰衣草喷雾,可以在睡前起到镇静的作用等。



Albert Evans

Jeremy Cruz is a renowned interior designer and passionate blogger. With a creative flair and an eye for detail, Jeremy has transformed numerous spaces into stunning living environments. Born and raised in a family of architects, design runs in his blood. From a young age, he was immersed in the world of aesthetics, constantly surrounded by blueprints and sketches.After obtaining a bachelor's degree in Interior Design from a prestigious university, Jeremy embarked on a journey to bring his vision to life. With years of experience in the industry, he has worked with high-profile clients, designing exquisite living spaces that embody both functionality and elegance. His ability to understand clients' preferences and transform their dreams into reality sets him apart in the interior design world.Jeremy's passion for interior design extends beyond creating beautiful spaces. As an avid writer, he shares his expertise and knowledge through his blog, Decoration, Interior Design, Ideas for Kitchens and Bathrooms. Through this platform, he aims to inspire and guide readers in their own design endeavors. From tips and tricks to the latest trends, Jeremy provides valuable insights that help readers make informed decisions about their living spaces.With a focus on kitchens and bathrooms, Jeremy believes that these areas hold tremendous potential for both functionality and aestheticappeal. He firmly believes that a well-designed kitchen can be the heart of a home, fostering family connections and culinary creativity. Similarly, a beautifully designed bathroom can create a soothing oasis, allowing individuals to relax and rejuvenate.Jeremy's blog is a go-to resource for design enthusiasts, homeowners, and anyone looking to revamp their living spaces. His articles engage readers with captivating visuals, expert advice, and detailed guides. Through his blog, Jeremy strives to empower individuals to create personalized spaces that reflect their unique personalities, lifestyles, and tastes.When Jeremy is not designing or writing, he can be found exploring new design trends, visiting art galleries, or sipping coffee in cozy cafes. His thirst for inspiration and continuous learning is evident in the well-crafted spaces he creates and the insightful content he shares. Jeremy Cruz is a name synonymous with creativity, expertise, and innovation in the field of interior design.