
Albert Evans 19-10-2023
Albert Evans


作为葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)植物的一员,沙玉与黄瓜和南瓜关系密切。 沙玉是古代阿兹台克人喜爱的作物(原产于拉丁美洲),虽然从技术上讲是一种水果,但却作为蔬菜种植和食用。


您知道吗,种植沙玉不仅可以使您的饭菜更加美味,而且还可以享受许多营养优势。 从沙玉中提取的益处有助于治疗肾结石、动脉硬化甚至高血压。 因此,在您的后院种植一棵沙玉树,以及在用餐时种植其他植物,都是很好的理由。准备菜肴,如菠菜和木薯。


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选择阳光充足的地方种植沙玉,以获得最佳生长效果。 半阴的地方仍能结出一些果实,但数量会大大减少。 阳光充足的地方最为理想。

在土壤方面,种植沙玉需要疏松、排水良好、保湿且富含有机质的土壤。 主要土壤pH值在6至6.8之间。



将油甘蓝放在阳光充足、没有任何可能导致发霉和腐烂的地方。 一两周内,您应该看到茎的另一端开始长出细长的绿芽。

如果您愿意,也可以在水中栽培沙玉,将其放入一个足够大的玻璃杯/瓶中,加入清水。 确保果实几乎浸没水中。 水可以加速生根。




由于番荔枝原产于温暖地区,因此必须定期浇水,土壤不能干燥。 每周浇水三次左右,隔天一次,在炎热干燥的气候条件下可适当增加浇水次数。

施肥建议:只要土壤肥沃,浇水充足,就不需要施肥。 但如果发现植株难以结出果实,一些蔬菜专用肥会有所帮助。






在学习如何种植油甘蓝时,您需要警惕白粉病和各种昆虫。 例如,蚜虫很喜欢在油甘蓝茎秆上爬来爬去。 不过,只需用手或用花园软管喷射强力水流即可轻松除去它们。

切勿给植物浇水过多,并确保不要将水溅到叶子上,以避免根部疾病(排水不良也可能导致根部疾病)。 要经常检查您想带到您的沙玉附近的任何新植物。



不要急于采摘,因为只有当果实变软、直径约为10至15厘米时才可以采摘。 此外,通常需要在种植后等待120至150个温暖无霜的日子后再考虑采摘。



另一个非常重要的种植技巧是选择合适的季节,这个季节植物生长发育最好。 这个季节是比较温暖湿润的月份,温度在18到27度之间。 油甘蓝能承受的最低温度是13度。


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Albert Evans

Jeremy Cruz is a renowned interior designer and passionate blogger. With a creative flair and an eye for detail, Jeremy has transformed numerous spaces into stunning living environments. Born and raised in a family of architects, design runs in his blood. From a young age, he was immersed in the world of aesthetics, constantly surrounded by blueprints and sketches.After obtaining a bachelor's degree in Interior Design from a prestigious university, Jeremy embarked on a journey to bring his vision to life. With years of experience in the industry, he has worked with high-profile clients, designing exquisite living spaces that embody both functionality and elegance. His ability to understand clients' preferences and transform their dreams into reality sets him apart in the interior design world.Jeremy's passion for interior design extends beyond creating beautiful spaces. As an avid writer, he shares his expertise and knowledge through his blog, Decoration, Interior Design, Ideas for Kitchens and Bathrooms. Through this platform, he aims to inspire and guide readers in their own design endeavors. From tips and tricks to the latest trends, Jeremy provides valuable insights that help readers make informed decisions about their living spaces.With a focus on kitchens and bathrooms, Jeremy believes that these areas hold tremendous potential for both functionality and aestheticappeal. He firmly believes that a well-designed kitchen can be the heart of a home, fostering family connections and culinary creativity. Similarly, a beautifully designed bathroom can create a soothing oasis, allowing individuals to relax and rejuvenate.Jeremy's blog is a go-to resource for design enthusiasts, homeowners, and anyone looking to revamp their living spaces. His articles engage readers with captivating visuals, expert advice, and detailed guides. Through his blog, Jeremy strives to empower individuals to create personalized spaces that reflect their unique personalities, lifestyles, and tastes.When Jeremy is not designing or writing, he can be found exploring new design trends, visiting art galleries, or sipping coffee in cozy cafes. His thirst for inspiration and continuous learning is evident in the well-crafted spaces he creates and the insightful content he shares. Jeremy Cruz is a name synonymous with creativity, expertise, and innovation in the field of interior design.